Examples of how to ask a girl to go further (1st date)

You’ve been texting a girl and want to take it to the next level: ask her out on a date. You’re nervous, maybe because you’ve never done this before and you’re reading this article to find out how to successfully ask her by email and get a yes. Well, you are in the right place. Follow these steps and you are sure to get a date with her.

Step One: Have the Expected Date

Before you even consider asking a girl, make sure you have an idea of ​​where you want to take her. It could be something as simple as coffee, or as adventurous as a day trip to San Francisco. You can use previous conversations you’ve had with her to get an idea of ​​where to take her or what to do. Either way, you want to make sure you have something planned for the first date.

The point here is that when you point it out, you will already know where you want to take it. The conversation can lead to this point and you can ask her if she wants to go or do it with you. You won’t attempt the typical “I don’t know” response when she asks where you want to go. You’re going to be the man with a plan, and it’s definitely going to bring you brownie points in his book!

Step Two: Start the Conversation

Once you find out about the plan, you will need to ask him to do it. At the same time, you don’t want to ask him right away. Start with a little debate. Ask her about her day, how she’s feeling, and even do a little flirting.

Small talk keeps him comfortable while guiding you in the direction you want. However, don’t let the conversation explode. You will slowly lose blood elsewhere. Once you get her on the subject you want, it will be now or never to ask her.

Step Three: Ask Him

Phrases like “do you want to go out with me” or “do you want to go out on a date” are the easiest ways to ask him. You’ve got the conversation going in the direction you want, ask it now. Be polite and considerate. Saying something like “we need to go out on a date” can come off as forceful, making her hesitant to go out with you.

That said, you want to be direct when you ask. Say something like “Want to catch a movie?” or “Do you want to go to the concert in town Friday night?” The more specific you are, the better when it comes time to respond. The more specific you are, the more indecisive his answer will be.

Once you ask it, you can think about it. The hard part is over. You asked for it and now the ball is in his court. Continually asking her out will be desperate or persistent and will lead to her saying “no.” Give him enough time to respond.

Step Four: Wait for His Response

Now it’s time for her to respond. It can end in two ways: a “yes” or “no”. If she says “yes,” then finalize the details with her. Make sure there is no bumper, so you don’t hit the speed bumps when it’s time for the actual date.

You want to end the conversation on a good note. Give her a meaningful ending that will remind her why she said “yes” in the first place. This will impact your future dates (if you release it). Saying something like, “I can’t wait to see you Friday night!” will make you seem like you’re excited about the date and looking forward to it.

Now, if she says “no”, there is no need to act rudely towards her in an effort to preserve your male ego. Remember, she might be thinking right now is not a good time to go out and might want to give it some time before going out with you. Responding angrily to a rejection can ruin the possible chances of a future date. End the conversation on a good note and leave it at that.

Asking a girl over text can be tricky, but we have your solution. Follow these four steps and you are sure to get the right message across. His response to your request is based solely on your language and behavior. Be polite and courteous. Give him a reason to say “yes” and you will have text success!



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